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Training Cycle

Identification and analysis of training requirements

Current Situation: Our staff have problem to communicate with client

Bad impact that staff happen:

1.    Employee Morale: The biggest side effect of poor workplace communication is that employee morale will slowly decrease to a point when they no longer care about the company. They will still go about their jobs, but they will only do the minimum required. Extra effort and enthusiasm will not be on display, which will impact the results from their work. If this atmosphere spreads to the entire company, it can become an incurable cancer.

2.    Clear Goals: A company must have clear goals when it comes to the short and long term. Even small businesses need to be goal oriented; otherwise they cannot expect to find success. For example, a restaurant may have a goal of getting 100 customers through the door on a given day. Such goals can only be accomplished if everyone is working towards them in an enthusiastic, dedicated and professional manner. With clear communication, any realistic goal is achievable. This motivates them to do a better job and allows them to focus their energy in a certain direction. On the flipside, uncertainty about what needs to be done just leads to poor performances.

3.    Dealing with Various Cultures: The workplace is a microcosm of society, where people of different cultures and backgrounds must come together to get things done. Cultural insensitivity can play a particularly negative role in the workplace, resulting in employees feeling as if they do not belong. In such a situation, proper communication can create awareness, understanding, and a happy medium where everyone is happy.

4.    Employee Errors: Most employee errors come from a lack of understanding, rather than them making a conscious mistake. A lack of understanding stems from a lack of communication. If an employee does not understand instructions, it is likely that they will perform their task incorrectly. Instructions must always be clear, concise and logical. Employees must be encouraged to ask their superiors if they do not understand something, rather than being too afraid to ask. This creates open lines of communication and ensures that misunderstandings do not take place.

5.  Decreased Innovation: If poor communication skills result in the inadequate handling of important projects, this can cripple the company’s innovation and capacity to make positive contributions to society. The capacity to innovate is proportional to the capacity to communicate directions, and to communicate new and exciting ideas and improvements


1.      Does a process for identifying future training and professional development need exist within you department?
A.    Yes

B.     No                                     

2.     Which of the following statement best describes how your future training and professional development need assessed?

NOTE: If the person involves a combination of the options given below .
A. Individually, by myself
B. By my line manager
C. By the Human Resources department
D. Others (please specify)

3.      How far into the future does this assessment plan for? 
A. 6 months
B. 12 months
C. 18 months

D. None from above (please specify)

Planning and designing the training

Training Proposal:

Name of Company: Jasa Network Trading Sdn Bhd.
Address: Jalan PJU 5/15, Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Name of training proposal: How to improve communication skills.
Training proposal prepared on: May 25, 2017.
Proposal prepared by: Alina Akmal.
Proposal submitted on: May 30, 2017
Proposal signed and approved by: Syarifah Najihah Syed Ahmad Tarmizi, CEO of Jasa Network Trading Sdn Bhd

Purpose: In this lesson, you will learn the importance of developing great communication skills with your client. Learn more about how to apply these skills for clear and successful communication within the client service setting.

Details of Sample Training Proposal:
➤The training will start in June 1, 2017
 All staff has to participate in it.
➤The training will be held in meeting room Jasa Network Trading Sdn Bhd (internal)
 En Azad will be instructor for this training.

Estimated cost of training programme: RM600
All those budget consist:
➧Food and beverage : RM 150
 Allowance for En Azad : RM 350
 Gift : RM 100

Our schedule
A talk form En Azad
·         Welcome and Introduction
·         About communication skills
·         Need to improve communication skills

Tea / Coffee break
Continue talk from En Azad
Continue talk form En Azad
·         How to improve communication skills
·         The advantages have communication skills

Training delivery

 We use Teaching Technique with:
1.    Presentation
2.    Teach them how to communicate with client step by step
3.    Group discussion
4.    Make a game that can boost their confidence
5.    Show them a famous motivator to motivate employees on how to be like that

Evaluation and post-training follow-up

After training, the participants applying new technique and get positive impact:

Employee morale
➭Small group (20 group members) means you can learn so much more. The trainer was very enthusiastic and there was an element of fun about the course too.

Clear goals
➭Very good, enjoyed applying the training which are easy to apply and that built confidence. Very relaxed and participative.

➭Useful, delivered in a friendly way. Good to exchange opinions and experiences with others.

Dealing with various culture
➭The interactive nature encouraged honest and open communication amongst everyone which really helped clarify suggestions. A useful chance to review current techniques and focus on improvements.

Employee errors
➭A very rewarding day, particularly with regards to structuring a presentation. Well run by the trainer who kept the attention throughout. A very useful and relaxed way of improving delivery.

Decrease innovation
➭Really helped with confidence and how to deliver a presentation. Very good, clear, concise and just excellent.

Training Evaluation Form
for participant in Jasa Network Trading Sdn Bhd

Date:  ________
Title and location of training: __________________
Trainer: _________________

Instruction: Please indicate level agreements with the statement listed below.

1.      The objective of the training were clearly defined.

2.      Participation and interaction were encouraged.

3.      The topic covered were relevant to me.

4.      The content was organized and easy to follow.

5.      The materials distributed were helpful.

6.      This training experience will be useful in my work.

7.      The trainer knowledge about the training topic.

8.      The trainer was well prepared.

9.      The training objective were met.

10.  The time allotted for the training was sufficient.

11.  The meeting room and facilities were adequate and comfortable.

Total comment

